When I tell people about this blog, they inevitabley know someone that they’d like to refer to me, which I take to be proof of how fantastically entrepreneurial we Americans (or young people? or Silicon Valley-ites?) are.
Nine times out of ten, that someone is a guy.
Granted, these guys have great stories, and diverse too, so I’d never want to turn them away. But, where are all the kickass women in entrepreneurship?
To clarify starting a home business selling Mary Kay is NOT entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is defined by risk-taking, unsensible fearlessness, and constant renewal.
Women, I’ve noted, are exceptionally risk-averse. They succeed in school because school rewards excellence in rule-following. They plateau in jobs because the work-world doles out the biggest rewards for calculated, but fearless, risk-taking.
I could go on about the dearth of women in grad schools, spending lots of money for a fancy hideout from the storms of worklife, or the number of women in their twenties who are still living off of their parents, or how many Ivy-educated girls are looking earnestly for a rich man to marry. But, that’s for another post.
For now, I just want to find awesome, kickass ladies who will make me shake in my boots, so I can tell their stories on this blog.
By the way, this is a challenge.
Bring it!